
My thesis paper got published in IJCACI 2020 which held in Defodil International University Bangladeh.
Paper title: A Proposed Home Automation System for Disable People Using BCI System.

BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) introduces a new way of communication with a computer without any physical activity. Using this BCI system, users can control multiple home appliances remotely. Electroencephalography (EEG) is a part of BCI. This EEG sensor can capture the signal from any subject's brain. This signal can then be converted into commands to control home appliances like TV, Light, Fan etc. Various studies have established that it is possible to use this BCI system for disabled people's home care. Paralysis is one of the major disabilities. Many people have paralysis, but their brain work perfectly. This BCI system can help them to control many home appliances, and it can also help them to live independently. In this paper, we reviewed multiple BCI systems and proposed a new BCI system that can be used for disabled people's home care

Certificate of Appreciation for Presenting Paper in IJCACI 2020